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Parish Vision | Prayer | Hymn

Parish Vision

We are called to reveal the Light of Christ to the world.

Parish Prayer

Merciful God,
you have called us out of darkness
into the Light of Christ.
We gather as the parish community of Lumen Christi.
In Baptism, we were consecrated as your children.
In Confirmation, the Spirit of truth
strengthened us to bear witness to your Word.
We are nourished at the table of the Eucharist.
May our gifts always contribute to
building up the Body of Christ.
Help us to reveal Christ’s love
to the world through all we say and do.


We are Called

We are called to be bearers of Christ’s love.
We are called to reveal the Light of Christ to the world.
Merciful God, merciful God,
you have called us out of darkness into Light, the Light of Christ.

May the gifts that we share help in building up
the Body of Christ, the Body of Christ.
Help us to reveal Christ’s love to the world
through all we say and do, all we say and do.

May the Spirit of Truth strengthen us,
Help us to bear witness to your Word, witness to your Word.
Feed us at the table of the Eucharist
to give Light to the world, light to the world.

Composed by: Paul Mason
Text: Based on the Lumen Christi Parish Vision and Prayer
Tune: © 2021 Paul Mason, b.1954.
Published by Liturgical Song. All rights reserved